Anne Mason | |
Actor | Moon Bloodgood |
Seasons | 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 |
First Appearance | Live and Learn |
Last Appearance | Reborn |
Allegiance | 2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment |
Origin | Boston, MA |
Age | Late 30's |
Occupation | Physician/Pediatrician (Pre/Post-Invasion) Fighter (Post-Invasion) |
Family | Lee - Former Husband † Kate Gordon - Aunt † Scott - Uncle † Sam - Son † Alexis - Daughter † Tom Mason - Husband Hal Mason - Stepson Maggie Mason - Stepdaughter-in-law Ben Mason - Stepson Matt Mason - Stepson (Unnamed) - Unborn child |
Status | Alive |
- "I have lost two children to this war and countless other people I've loved, as we all have. And if it takes my own death and the death of these three brave men next to me to get you back to fighting the real enemy instead of your own people, well, then... so be it. I hope when this war is over, that each one of you finds your humanity again. It's not only what we've been fighting for, but it's what makes us fight. It's what makes us fight. Thank you, 2nd Mass."
- —Anne's last words on the firing line.[src]
Anne Mason, formerly Anne Yangsun Glass, is a main character in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth seasons. Anne was a Pediatrician before the invasion, when she joined up with the resistance she was made into the main medical doctor for the 2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment.
She is currently Tom Mason's wife, a fighter in the 2nd Mass and the mother of their hybrid daughter, Alexis Glass-Mason. She died in the last episode of season 5 in which she was also reborn.
Anne was a pediatrician prior to the war living with her husband Lee and young son Sam. Anne, Scott, Kate and Sam went on a weekend trip to Lake Huntington, and while fishing with Sam, Scott caught a fish but as soon as he pulled the hook out it swam away. Anne's favorite treat was Choco pies, she says they kept her rolling in baby fat until she hit high school.
When the attack started she was working a double shift at the hospital where she worked. She lost her son Sam and husband Lee during the initial attack. Her only remaining family was her Uncle Scott and her Aunt Kate. She joined up with Massachusetts Militia, and volunteers her skills to the cause. She met Tom after he assisted her with a patient. She is now the Field Physician and Nurse for the group, helping others with their pain and kids deal with their losses through therapy, as a sort of healing for herself.
"Live and Learn"[]
Throughout the day, while most of the fighters are out defending areas of the city or looking for supplies, Anne worked with the kids through art therapy. She was happy noting that Matt Mason, Tom Mason's youngest son, was making breakthroughs by drawing pictures of his whole family, even though he went through the trauma of losing his mother and his brother to the enemy. That night, while serving food out to the returning fighters with her assistant, Lourdes, she spots Tom carrying Matt away from the group to get some rest. She approaches him and lets him know about the progress Matt's been making. She is shocked to find out that the enemy had taken Back Bay and South Boston though. Before she could say anymore, Tom is called away...
The following morning is filled with energy as the 2nd Mass begins to move out, shepherding the civilians away from Boston. Anne and Lourdes are preparing the last of the wounded and crippled to be moved, when Tom finds them. Lourdes informs him that they sent out the last of the stretcher cases and are finishing up now. Tom, surprised, compliments the doctor saying that she's good, which Anne modestly replies 'Practice makes perfect.' She tells him that there is a silver lining in all this, as if there wasn't a war that she would be giving flu shots and dealing with neurotic mothers. Tom smiles and replies by saying he would be grading midterms, or rather trying to avoid them. Anne smiles, then shows worry on her face and asks what the plan is. Tom is quiet for the moment then says they are retreating, regrouping, returning, and then getting their revenge, and then walks off, leaving Anne to ponder the new plan.
Later, she begins moving medical supplies and approaches her Uncle Scott and Aunt Kate, who are working on a truck, asking if she should load them in bags or the truck. Scott says the truck and continues working on it, while Kate leans out the window, looks at Anne skeptically, causing them to agree and say bags. As if on cue, Scott fixes the problem and the engine sputters to life, causing him to turn at the two disbelievers. As they move away from the city, Anne is walking with Tom, when she recognizes a house that one of her patients lived in. She points it out to Tom and tells him that her husband has a landscape painting there. Tom smiles, and then points out that 400 years ago, Native Americans lived here before Small Pox wiped them out. Anne says "Ever the history professor'" and then wonders what will be here in another 400 years. Tom answers optimistically "Hopefully Humans".
When they arrive at the Sundash in Belmont, they find it mostly picked cleaned. Hal comes back from scouting, reporting to Tom and Weaver that other places have been picked cleaned as well. Anne is working on scavenging from the store, when she overhears the conversation between Weaver and Tom, and approaches him. She asks him is he is sure about taking a small group back into enemy territory for food, but Tom doesn't answer, and asks her to look after Matt. She says she will, but before she can say anything else, Hal walks up to his dad, saying he's coming with him. Tom turns him down, wanting him to stay with the group, but is convinced when Hal says Weaver is more likely to get him killed. Karen, eavesdropping on the conversation, shouts out that he needs two scouts. Tom relents and tells them to find Dai, Click, Anthony, and one other to come with them, leaving Anne, who prays that he will return unharmed. After Tom's group returns, she and Lourdes help Matt celebrate his birthday by giving him a cupcake and candle to make a wish.
"The Armory"[]
The morning after the failed raid on the Acton Armory she found Weaver and complained to him about all the fighters sleeping in houses while all the civilians slept outside, after Weaver's response she says they're not just eaters, she says they contribute, with the manual labor aspect of the resistance. She later told Tom Uncle Scott wanted to see him. She talked with Tom about his ideal breakfast before the invasion, then she asks his opinion about her argument with Weaver over the civilians. Tom replies they are a liability and hindrance but are the best motivation to fight. She later finds Weaver, and wondered what happened to the family in the house, Weaver says they were taken to a camp in Stockton, where they were bombed by Airships, she brings the issue of housing back up, when Hal returns to tell Weaver what happened to Tom and the others. She later asks if she should leave but Weaver tells her to stay, after she finds Hal leaving and tells him she can help.
When they get there she offers to help Billy, Maggie warns her she may never leave, Anne responds simply “It’s all we’ve got.” When she is taken to Pope’s hideout, she informs him she can help, Pope asks what kind of physician she is, she says the only one he’s got, she tries to make a deal with Pope, fix him and let them leave, Pope says if she helps Billy he’ll let them live. She stitched up Billy and wrapped his leg in bandages to stop the bleeding. Maggie asks if Billy will live, she says he will as long as he doesn’t get the wound infected. She watches as Maggie shoots Billy and Cueball, Maggie later explains they both sexually abused her. When they get back to the 2nd Mass she tells Weaver they have to follow her. The next morning, Tom runs into her on his way out, he thanks her for coming, she replies he would do the same for her, Tom says he would.
"Prisoner of War"[]
Anne is first seen in the medical room with Lourdes, speaking with Tom about Michael Harris before he enters the room upon Tom's surprise that he is still alive. Anne later assists Michael Harris to remove Rick Thompson's harness, and later patches up Tom.
Anne takes an update of Rick's condition, asking if Mike is sure he had cystic fibrosis as it has cleared up. Anne takes note of Porter's request to communicate with the prisoner skitter, and stands outsides it cage with pictures that the skitter may recognize, saying words like Earth and stars, however gets no response. Anne tries to give it water, but it stopped by Harris when he disrupts her and brings in a dead skitter, causing the prisoner skitter to cause havoc in the cage. Anne is spoken down to by Harris, saying he doesn't have to be taking orders from a pediatrician. Anne visits Scott to speak with him, however is interrupted when his radio starts to make a loud static. Anne thinks the skitter is making the static, and asks Harris to cut the dead skitter open, Harris asks sarcastically what he is looking for, tubing, and when he cuts it open he finds only mush. Later the radio makes static again, they discover that Rick is the only one in the same room as the skitter and when they run to the classroom they find that Rick has put his harness back on and the skitter is speaking through him, however Mike tears the harness off. When Tom arrives back along with an injured Dai, Anne stitches Dai's leg and patches up Tom, telling him Matt has a new job. When the bells go off for dinner Dai tries to stand up but Anne tells to sit so he doesn't tear his aesthetic back out. She is later seen at the same table as Tom, Hal, Lourdes, Anthony, Dai and Matt when they discuss Pope and his bread and what they are thankful for before they all say a prayer and connect hands.
"Silent Kill"[]
Anne looks over the drugs that Hal Mason and Margaret scavenge, and looks the cocaine saying she knows what it looks like as she watched too many late night cop shows when she couldn't sleep. Uncle Scott pulls Anne aside to speak to her about putting up something for her son Sam, however she doesn't want to speak about him, and soon after Michael Harris is attacked by the caged skitter, and Anne tries to save him but it is too late. When Hal comes up with the plan to sneak inside the hospital and too take out the skitter by knocking it unconscious like Mike did, Anne tests the theory and sticks her hand in the skitters mouth, to investigate if the skitters actually do become unconscious. After the team brings back the harnessed kids, Anne de-harnesses them however looses on kid and dwells over it. She later witnesses Ben Mason waking.
"Sanctuary (Part 1)"[]
Anne is checking up on a patient, Eli Russell, before his father Jeff Russell pulls a gun out on Anne and tells her to put all the antibiotics in a bag. Anne does so but tries to call out for help, however is knocked to the ground by Jeff, and the family flees with the antibiotics.
Maggie later arrives to Anne, helping Sarah out by getting some pills for her pregnancy. Anne ask Maggie if they are good friends, however Maggie tells her that she wouldn't go that far. Anne mentions how Sarah could have come to the clinic herself. Maggie tells her with the way things are that Sarah didn't need to see Anne like this. Maggie compliments Anne on fighting backing. Maggie gives Anne a gun telling her that she'll feel better having the gun. She tells Anne that if she ever needs a lesson that she's around. Maggie later teaches Anne how to shoot after Anne asks for her help. Anne ask her if she take a stance. Maggie tells her that she's not the terminator. That she's looking to protect herself. Anne ask where she should am, and Maggie tells her in front of her. Anne has a hard time pulling the trigger. So Maggie tells her to imagine someone is charging at her, but Anne still does not shoot. So Maggie say to imagine that someone you love is about to --, causing Anne to shoot. Anne shoots again, telling Maggie that she doesn't like guns. Maggie tells her that she didn't either, but soon enough it becomes as comfortable as a credit card, you won't leave home without it.
Anne later checks up on a shocked Jimmy, as he was attacked by a skitter and the next morning says goodbye to Lourdes as she leaves to the farm with Terry Clayton.
"Sanctuary (Part 2)"[]
Anne brings Sarah into labor, however says that her baby is breach. When Weaver walks in, he scrubs his hands and says that his first daughter was breach, and he assists Anne with delivering the baby.
"What Hides Beneath"[]
Anne is with Rick Thompson helping him with art therapy to help get his feeling out. Anne later is with O'Neil, prescribing pills to him and telling him to see him again in the morning. Ben soon arrives and his back is checked on by Anne, who discovers dry skin developing around some of his spikes. Ben asks why his is so different, and Anne tells him that he was harnessed much longer. Anne asks if Ben can feel anything, and she pokes the dry skin with her scalpel, however Ben cannot feel anything, then she pokes into the skin and he still cannot feel anything, but tells him not to worry. Ben asks how Rick is and Anne tells him she is worried about his attitude, and it seems his fathers death has not registered and that he has no place around the 2nd Mass as they think they spiked kids are different. Anne later, with the help of Lourdes cuts open a skitter, and find what Anne was fearing, a harness inside the skitter, and Lourdes asks if they should tell anyone, but replies that the 2nd Mass are already worried about the spiked kids.
Anne informs Ben about Ben the dry skin around his spikes and shows him the harness on the skitter. After Dai returns to the school injured with a mech wound, Anne and Lourdes patch him up and Anne says it's a laceration wound. Tom speaks with Anne about the incident about Weaver and his breakdown. After Lourdes overhears she admits that Weaver came up to her looking for prescription drugs. After Tom is locked up, then is broken out, Tom, Anne and Jimmy listen to Dai, informing them what Porter's orders where. Anne later is approached by Weaver, asking where Tom is before Weaver is held hostage by Hal, Maggie and Tom.
"Eight Hours"[]
Anne speaks with Tom in Scott's lab about Weaver attacking the Boston Tower. After the leave the lab, Scott is attack by Rick Thompson who was hanging from the ceiling, and listens to Scott tell the story. Anne says goodbye to Lourdes Delgado who is leaving with the rest of the civilians, and she tells her that the civilians need her, as she is staying behind with the fighters. After Scott successfully jams the aliens, Tom says he is going after Weaver, and kisses Anne for the first time.
"Worlds Apart"[]
3 months later, Anne is working in a medical bus, and pulls a sheet over a deceased patient. Anne performs surgery on Tom Mason after he brought back to the 2nd Mass with a gun wound. Anne shares a drink with Daniel Weaver, after he asks if she knows anything about Whiskey, then they proceed to talk about Tom. Anne and Lourdes continue to perform surgery on Tom, before they pull out every bullet fragment, and when Tom awakes, Anne holds his hand.
"Shall We Gather at the River"[]
Tom has a dream about the Red Eye skitter attacking him in his tent. When he wakes, he goes to get checked out by Anne, however she finds nothing wrong with him. Anne tells Tom about everyone they lost during Fitchburg, showing the pictures she pinned up as she started to forget their faces, showing a picture of Uncle Scott, Kate Gordon, Sarah and mentions that Rick Thompson just disappeared. Tom is told by Anne that the crusty skin on Ben is still spreading on his back. After Tom's eye starts to bleed, Hal takes him to Dr. Glass, and she does another check on his eye. Anne, Lourdes and Weaver all notice a growth in Tom's eye, and Anne says it wasn't there in the morning. The growth starts to move, and Tom tells her to take it out, and if she doesn't he will, and starts to struggle but is held down by Weaver. Anne opens Tom's eye and with a pair of tweezers she pulls the growth out, which happens to be a parasite. Later, she drives the med bus over the bridge, however it gets stuck in a ditch. Weaver tells her to get out on foot, but Anne has patients, so Weaver and a few fighters help push it out. Anne later witnesses Tom being lost in the bridge explosion, and when he emerges out of the river she tells him that she has to stop loosing him, then hugs Tom.
Anne performs surgery on Jimmy Boland after he is impaled by a tree branch. Anne does everything she can, but the injuries are too much and Jimmy passes. Anne later tells Tom that she didn't want to loose anyone because it was her son Sammy's birthday. She later attends Jimmy's funeral.
"Young Bloods"[]
Anne is in her med bus when Tom Mason arrives and tells her that he has good news. Anne jokes asking if the aliens left, and Tom replies that he thought he was the first to know, and laughs before revealing a choco pie. Anne gasps asking where he found it, and Tom mentions in an un-looted Korean market. Anne mentions that this kept her in baby fat till she hit high school. Anne starts to kiss Tom before Lourdes walks in. After Weaver is bitten by a harness, Anne hands him medication to take.
"Love and Other Acts of Courage"[]
After the 2nd Mass find and bring back Rick Thompson, Anne has to remove a large piece of shrapnel out of his shoulder. As Anne notices Weaver having a problem with his leg, he tells him to sit then takes his bandage of his leg, to reveal that the bite has festered. After Tom brings back the Red Eye skitter, Anne is forced to treat his wounds as they need information from it, but mentions they barley has enough supplies for the 2nd Mass. Later that night Anne performs another surgery on Maggie after she is injured after falling of her bike. When they arrive to their new camp at the hospital, Anne with her new equipment and medication injects Weaver with a sedative so that he can keep of his leg and sleep.
After Karen is found de-harnessed on the road, Hal rushes Karen back to the 2nd Mass at their hospital camp so that Dr. Glass can treat her. After John Pope and Anthony are found injured on the side of the road by Lyle, Anne patches up the slightly wounded Anthony and treats an injured Pope.
"Molon Labe"[]
After Tom finds a Mech bursting through the garage door. The Mech attacks and Tom desperately shoots at a set of oxygen tanks, destroying the mech but inadvertently bringing down the roof around Lourdes, Matt and Dr. Glass. The trio are all trapped underground as they where collecting medical supplies for the road. After escaping, Lourdes, Dr. Glass and Matt stumble upon a wounded Jamil Dexter, who was searching for the trio. He is bleeding from multiple injuries, weakly holding on to a door handle and shouting at them to stay back. Matt can hear something behind the door and goes to open it. Jamil shouts at him not to. Lourdes, Dr. Glass and Matt watch in horror as the same spider-like creatures begin to emerge from Jamil's mouth and attempt to attack them. Dr. Glass orders a retreat but has to pull Lourdes away because she will not leave Jamil's side. Dr. Glass says that there is nothing they can do. They lock themselves in the blood lab. Lourdes is so traumatized by Jamil's death that she has all but given up on living. Matt comes up with the idea to crawl through the air vent for help. Dr. Glass builds a flame-thrower using oxygen canisters, forcing Lourdes to help despite her disconsolate state. The three later escape, and retreat from the hospital with the 2nd Mass.
"Death March"[]
On the road to Charleston, Tom wonders over the little, slowly mutating girl, what the world will do with the millions of harnessed children if the Skitters should ever leave the planet, but Anne assures him that they’d find ways to adjust. Later, Lourdes snaps at Anne when the patient she’d been treating dies on the table, as she is not coping well with Jamil's death. Later, the convoy arrives to Charleston, only to see that it has been destroyed.
"The Price of Greatness"[]
After Colonel Jim Porter finds and greets the 2nd Mass, after they find the ruins of Charleston, South Carolina. He leads them into an abandoned shopping mall and explains to the 2nd Mass that the reason why they were never attacked was due to the Overlords believing they were dead. As they walk down a broken escalator, the remaining survivors applaud their arrival. Tom offers his hand to Anne and they walk to the food. The next morning, Anne goes to the infirmary where she and Lourdes reminisce on the medicinal capacity that the doctors have there. Despite of her willingness to help the patients, she is turned down because she was trained as a pediatrician. She reports to Tom that the people seem too comfortable in Charleston.
"A More Perfect Union"[]
When General Bressler prepared to fire on Ben Mason and the Skitter Resistance Anne was one of the first to stand by Tom to protect them. Later she is nauseous and vomits in a barrel, here Lourdes correctly guesses she is pregnant. Anne says she is and she doesn't want Tom to know until after the mission.
During the mission, they are captured, and while they are captured, Karen senses that Anne is pregnant with Tom's child and announces it to everybody. Karen moves to torture her, but Tom yields by saying that he would tell Karen what she needs to know. They are soon saved by the Rebel Skitters, saving Tom from reveling any information.
"On Thin Ice"[]
After the Raid on the Skitter mining camp, Jeanne brings Diego to Anne, who is almost nine months pregnant, to remove his harness. She has a new Volm De-Harnessing Machine that she uses to remove them easily and painlessly without any side affects. She's the only one the Volm have taught how to use it. Later, Anne goes into labor. Anne mentions that she thinks it'll be a long night, and the Mason's bring in a family tradition of playing Monopoly. After the birth of the baby, she names it Alexis. Later, Anne wakes up in the middle of the night to see her newborn Alexis sitting up in her bassinet smiling at her, to her amazement.
"Collateral Damage"[]
Anne is examining Lexi when she notices advances in which she should not have, Anne turns around for a minute and Lexi who was on the bed is gone; however, the baby kept calling for Anne and laughing, “Mama, Mama”. Anne looked all over the room and very frightened. She finds Lexi, under the bed, propped up – Alexis then looks at her and once again says, “Mama”. Anne is visibly frightened.
Meanwhile, Matt is also getting into trouble, skipping school with his friends and blowing up a damaged house with a stick of dynamite; he gets hauled in by Anthony's patrol and told off by Anne. Matt harshly tells her she's not his mother much to Anne's upset. Later, in the medical area of Charleston, Anne briefs Tom that harness fluid similar to Weaver's leg has been spread all through Lars' whole body, including his organs and he only has a few hours left. Matt later apologizes to Anne, who quickly forgives him, and Matt, Tom and Anne gather around a sleeping Alexis; Anne hides her misgivings about Alexis' advanced behavior.
In Charleston, Anne is attempting to give Lexi a blood test. When she goes to prick her baby's foot, the baby says "don't" and pulls its foot away. Dr. Glass, after hearing and seeing this, becomes increasingly stressed and paranoid, causing her breathing to become labored. As she walks over to her microscope to look at the blood sample, she hears her baby say "Mama." Anne is horrified and reluctantly turns around. She finds her baby not only standing up but smiling at her. Anne, in shock and horror, slips and knocks the microscope on the ground and takes cover behind the counter in a fetal position, where she is found by Lourdes. Lourdes attempts to comfort Anne, but she becomes upset when Lourdes asks for details about the situation. Lourdes later meets with Tom to discuss Anne's mental state; she tells him that Anne may be suffering a psychotic breakdown from all the stress that's been put on her.
Later Tom and Anne talk about her mental state, Tom reveals that he's talked to Lourdes about the situation and Anne reveals to Tom that Lexi may not be a human. Anne is growing increasingly frustrated with Tom who doesn't believe her and that she's not crazy. Tom attempts to understand the situation; he tells her that maybe she really is suffering and wants her to know that he's there for her and that he loves her.
Later, Lourdes visits Anne, Anne apologizes to Lourdes for her attitude lately and Lourdes attempts to comfort Anne, who seems to be confused about her own mental state and is wondering if she really is crazy and her baby is perfectly normal. However, through conversation Anne figures out that Lourdes was really sent by Tom to watch after Lexi. Anne gets upset about this and tells Lourdes to leave; the younger girl apologizes, then says she's under orders to stay until Tom gets back.
"At All Costs"[]
Anne gets a swab of baby Lexi’s saliva to conduct DNA tests. Anne hesitates, unsure of her distrust of her baby. “I love you, Lexi,” she says. We hear the new born baby reply, “I love you too, mommy.” Anne goes to visit Dr. Roger Kadar to see if he can devise some special DNA tests to see if the Volm de-harnessing machine is accurately removing all the alien DNA from the hosts, but is really trying to find a test that can determine if Lexi has any alien DNA.
Dr. Kadar later informs Anne about the DNA tests, all the samples look 100% human except one that has alien DNA running through it. She looks horrified as Dr. Kadar guesses correctly that the DNA comes from Lexi. He wants to tell everyone about what he has found, but Anne hits him over the head with a metal wrench first. She runs off with Lexi’s sample. Anne goes back to her room, where Lourdes has been taking care of Lexi. Anne spikes Lourdes’ drink to knock her out and Anne runs off with her baby. After, Anne and Lexi flee Charleston and a skitter and a harnessed child, Emily corner them. Anne tries to turn around but Evil Hal is there too and the harnessed child acts like she knows Lexi by greeting her by name.
"Strange Brew"[]
Anne appears in Tom's dream caused by Espheni tech to get answers. In the dream, people keep on telling Tom that someone named Anne is trying to get in touch with him. At one point, someone who claims to be Anne’s husband accuses Tom of having an affair with Anne, and punches Tom. Later, Tom goes to a coffee bar and Anne is waiting for him there. She says she is all ready to go to whatever city he wants for their special weekend – Boston, New York, Chicago, or Jacksonville. Outside the coffee bar. He is trying to get away from Anne but she keeps on asking him which city he is going to. As the Espheni are trying to get information out of him. After Karen takes the tech of Tom, transporting him back to real-life, Karen takes Tom is show him the bodies of Anne and Lexi, saying she killed them.
After Karen departs from the mother ship, she intercepts the travelling 2nd Mass while waving a white flag, she tries making peace with Tom Mason, saying that she has a gift for him, and in response he says he has a gift for her and shoots her. After Tom hears Anne's voice, Tom runs into the forest to find that Anne was the present, and the two reunite. Anne introduces Tom to Lexi, who has aged highly since the last time he saw her.
"Ghost in the Machine"[]
22 days in, the 2nd Mass finally return to Charleston, and as soon as they arrive they are attacked by Airships and Mega Mechs. The Beamers start deploying Obelisks which emitted a laser fence. The Obelisks are placed around most of the 2nd Mass but Anne, Anthony, Denny and a few other soldiers escape with their lives.
Four months in as the 2nd Mass is separated, Anne is the leader of the group of survivors. Anthony is timing Anne on how fast she can reload her gun, and he asks if they can rest and Anne replies do they rest. Denny comes to Anne with the news that a truck is carrying material and should be here by tomorrow morning, and Anne tells Anthony that he gets his wish. The next morning Anthony creates a C4 that is rigged to the radio circuit, and they place it on a bridge where the truck is going to ride over. Anthony asks who Anne thinks the driver is, and she answers "a collaborator". When Denny tries to denote the bomb, it does not work and Anne says that they must've changed the circuit. She forces Dick to give her his shirt. She stops the truck with the C4 that she wrapped in a shirt and lit on fire, then through it at the truck that is supposed to be carrying ammo and kills the driver. Anne and the rest of the group look in the back and finds a group of children.
"The Eye"[]
A few days later, Dick slowly collapses, she gives him her share of water, and Anthony tells Anne that they can walk at night or during the day, but not both. After Anne injures a Skitter by shooting it multiple times, the Skitter talk through Denny as Anne wants answers; and when Anne not pleased with the Skitter, she stabs the Skitter multiple times, and it causes Denny great pain as she is still connected to it. Later, as she is resting, Anne apologises to her, and Denny tells her that the Skitter did not lie to Anne, but fear when Anne asked the Skitter about the hybrid, showed them where to go to find the hybrid.
When Anne collapses, she has a flashback of when she was captured by Karen, and implanted with something that caused Alexis to become a hybrid. Anne soon after waking up, asks for food then leads her group to where Alexis is, as she knows her location through a dream. When Anne walks into Chinatown, Lourdes is walking by and notices her, Lourdes walks up to her and hugs her, and soon after is greeted by Ben who reunites her with her daughter.
"Evolve or Die"[]
Anne who is now at Chinatown, speaks with her daughter for the first time in four months. Later that day, Ben and Maggie inform Anne that Lexi has been seeing an Espheni during the night, and Anne go to interrogate her. When they find her, The Monk soon connects and speaks through Ben. Anne tells him to reveal himself, and he does so; Anne soon releases that this Espheni is the one who done this to Lexi, and has Anthony and Denny tie him up after Ben disconnects, and tells Anne that he lied about not being the instigator in the situation with Lexi becoming a hybrid.
"Mind Wars"[]
At Chinatown, Anne speaks to the captured Espheni, as he speaks through Ben. The two speak about Lexi, and Anne asks what he wants with Lexi. While speaking, Ben's nose starts to bleed, as a Espheni is more of a challengene to connect to. As the Monk disconnects from Ben, Maggie catches Ben as he starts to collapse. After existing the room Anne argues with Lexi, as Anne lied about not hurting the Monk, and Lexi uses her powers and strangles Anne, but is freed. After Lexi gets a sudden high fever, Anne sits and helps Lexi but her fever does not go down. She tortures the Monk, by hitting him with a plank of wood, but it turns out he was connected to Ben, and Ben had the answer how to heal her, by using the flowers. Anne realises what flowers is needed, and she makes a tea for Lexi to drink.
"Door Number Three"[]
Anne, along with Tom are the first to find Alexis in her cocoon. After learning from Tom that he had seen Anne in one on the Espheni ship, Kadar proposes that he do a therapy that will help Anne remember it. Anne agrees, and is injected with a drug. Her memory takes her to the night her son, Sam died. She wakes up, and realizes she needs to go down deeper. She injects herself with 6ccs, twice the amount Kadar says. Kadar says she may never wake up, and she goes under again, to find herself aboard the Espheni ship. She sees herself in the cocoon, and Karen is holding Alexis saying that there is no need for Anne, she will be disposed of. Alexis appears, and shows Anne a memory of her own. Karen tells Alexis to come with her, but the young Alexis goes to Anne and touches her cheek, telling her to "wake up". The younger Alexis does this again, with the older Alexis copying it. Anne awakes, and runs to her daughter in the cocoon. Anne says they have nothing to fear from Alexis, and touches Alexis' cocoon, which earlier burned Weaver's hand with no pain at all. In the cocoon, Alexis' hand moves to where Anne's hand is, only with the cocoon dividing them.
"Saturday Night Massacre"[]
Anne looks into the cocoon and places her hand on it, but it doesn’t burn her. Alexis opens her eyes, which are now green, and places her hand over Anne’s, then starts to break her way out of the cocoon. She emerges in a bright white light, and momentarily faints before waking up and recognizing Tom. She says she must leave because humans are violent and will not change, even though she tried to show them another way. Anne asks her about what she said in Anne’s vision, about always choosing her family, and Alexis says, “…not this family.” Anne soon witnesses Lexi walk to the courtyard, freeze everyone using her powers and kill Lourdes.
After, Lourdes is laid to rest and everyone says their goodbyes. Anne and Tom argue over their ability to save Alexis. Dr. Kadar explains that Alexis’ human and Espheni DNA have combined and created something completely different and unknown. After, the 2nd Mass prepare for a battle with the Espheni, and during Anne comes running up to tell Tom that a large number of their group is dead from a blast which was caused from a gas-leak in the battlefield.
Later, Weaver finds Dr. Kadar packing his samples and labs, but has a large piece of glass sticking out of his side. Weaver calls Anne over to help, but she can’t do anything as it is too deep, and Dr. Roger Kadar dies after telling Tom to save Alexis and never let her go. After the sweep for survivors is complete, Anne hides in the fallout shelter with the others until the forces pass.
"A Thing With Feathers"[]
The group leave the fallout shelter to search for survivors the next morning. Matt is frantic to find Tom, as Anne finds the scarf that Tom wore in the Ghetto and in the aftermath of the Espheni assault. Hal manages to find and get Maggie to Anne, who says Maggie is paralyzed from the neck down. Hal asks if Anne can do anything. Anne shakes her head, saying he has to let her go. He proposes they somehow use Denny's spike ability on her, as it will heal her before she can die, because Denny has faster healing. Anne says a transplant is risky, Hal argues they took spikes off kids in Charleston, to which Anne replies they had better equipment in Charleston, but maybe the Volm have something. Cochise explains that a procedure like a spinal tap can be performed but that it can be deadly if not done properly. Denny offers herself for the procedure, but Anne won’t do anything without Maggie’s permission. Later, after Maggie wakes up, Hal explains to her that she is paralyzed and that there is a possibility to save her if she wanted but she refused the procedure and asked Hal to let her go. Hal then goes to Anne and tells her Maggie agreed to the procedure, so Anne extracts fluid from Denny’s spike. With help from Hal and Denny, Anne preps Maggie to inject her with the spike fluid. Maggie momentarily wakes and realizes what Hal did. Later, Ben suggests removing his own spikes and injecting it into Maggie. With Cochise’s help, Anne successfully removes three of Ben’s spikes and inserts it into Maggie’s neck. After inserting the spikes into Maggie’s neck, both Ben and Maggie’s spikes glow and then convulse 4 times before laying still. Later, Ben comes back to the 2nd Mass after talking with Lexi, and finds Anne, telling her that Alexis has gone over to the Espheni’s side, that she showed him how they were turning humans into monsters, and that the only reason he was back was because Alexis let him go, but Anne doesn't accept that Alexis is a lost cause.
"Til Death Do Us Part"[]
The next day, Anne and Tom have a small argument while unearthing the Beamer. Cochise later says the Volm have a supply cache, which can be used to unearth the Beamer faster, and Tom, Anne, Matt, Weaver, and Cochise decide to retrieve it. At the chemical plant where the Volm cache is, they run into Mira. Tom ties her up, saying they cannot trust her but they will take her with them. Matt unties Mira when she complains of her hands hurting, and she blows her whistle, summoning a Beamer strike and the Team Leader's. Mira runs off, with Matt giving chase. Kent Matthews traps Tom inside a burning container, but Anne comes to Tom's rescue, distracting Kent enough to save Tom. The group later hike back to Chinatown.
Back at Chinatown, Tom proposes to Anne, and the day after, they are married by Weaver. As they kiss, Shaq interrupts, using Mira's whistle to unearth the Beamer.
"Drawing Straws"[]
After it is drawn for who is flying the beamer, Anne prepares to say goodbye to Tom and Ben, however their flight is delayed by beamers which fly to Chinatown, but are mysteriously destroyed in flight, and Alexis arrives back to Chinatown.
"Space Oddity"[]
No one is willing to give Lexi a chance until Weaver steps in and suggests they at least hear out her plan. Weaver’s faith in his own daughter, even after she had been changed into a monster, is weighed on heavily hear as he is the only one willing to put any faith in Lexi, especially after Anne gives up on her. Anne later accepts that Lexi will be flying the beamer along with Tom, giving support to Lexi before she leaves.
"Shoot the Moon"[]
Anne is taking watch in the outskirts of Chinatown during the night, and worries for the safety of Tom and Alexis. A portable harness farm lands in Chinatown, and when John Pope is captured, he continues to yell out to Anne is stay out of the fog, however wants him to be quiet as they may be attracting them to her. Anne finds the farm's weakness, by using her flamethrower against the ground. Anne barges into the basement where Weaver and Matt are grounded, however her flamethrower runs out and she is also grounded. The trio fall asleep while stuck, and are released when the Espheni Power Station is destroyed. Anne finds a dried up harness, and she steps on it, causing it to shatter. Anne regroups with the survivors and is informed by Cochise that Tom was lost in space, and that his father is currently trying to locate him. After Anthony arrives back with his team, Anne greets him.
"Find Your Warrior"[]
At Chinatown, Weaver nudges a mournful Anne to speak to the troops, so she tells everyone that while Tom and Lexi may be gone, the good news is that the Espheni power core is down. After that setback, their foe bugged out in a mass exodus. During that night, Anne is sleeping, and Tom arrives back to Chinatown and wakes Anne up. Anne sees Tom and says "if this is a dream I don't ever want to wake up" and hugs him. The next morning, Tom shares some of his "memory" with Anne and his sons. Anne posits that he was hallucinating aboard the cold beamer. Anne is forced by Tom after to take of the pendant that was worn by Lexi and her followers. Anne listens to Tom's "find your warrior" speech, and joins team Charlie for the mission to destroy the Espheni tech. While per paring to leave, Anne asks Tom if they can make contact to the newly revealed militia groups. Tom mentions they could but they should stay focused on the mission, Shaq replies "as they should", and Anne sarcastically thanks Shaq.
During the mission the group is ambushed by skitters, and during the standoff, Anne combat rolls and stabs on of the skitters, telling it to let go. After the team is saved by team Bravo, Tom and Anne touch on his new "warrior" mentality. With a nod to how Tom made her take off the pendant that reminded her of lost Lexi, lest she get lost in depression, Anne says, "I don’t want to get lost in rage either." Anne later goes on the mission to Woodrow Wilson High School to find the Overlord. After, she attends Denny's funeral, where she asks Anthony how he is doing, as he knew they were close.
"Hunger Pains"[]
Anne defends Chinatown from the herd of skitters, shooting them on Tom's order. During the shootout, the 2nd Mass's food supply to destroyed, and the leaders of the 2nd Mass discuss their situation. Anne checks up on Tom's bite from the mysterious bug, however cannot to identify tit because their microscopes where destroyed when Roger Kadar died. While Anne is serving food to the kids, Evelyn is next in line, however Anne runs out of food, and she collapses from starvation. After Ben finds a few cans of pineapples, Anne feeds her a spoonful of the juice, to keep her blood sugar high. Anne later requests Matt to make her a microscope, and after he does, she scopes the bug, revealing that it has skitter legs, Espheni arms, Black Hornet wings, and which shocks her human eyes. After Tom looks at the eyes, it wakes and flies off. After Anne and Tom follow it, they find a field full of bugs, skitters and Black Hornets.
Anne goes with a team to the crop field, where Dingaan Botha shows the group his droid which poisons and kills all the skitters and hornets. Back at Chinatown, Anne patches up Anthony after he is attacked by Brian. Anne tried to question Anthony, however she only receives attitude from Anthony. Anne later goes on the mission to help destroy the hatchlings where they are creating skitters and hornets. After the successfully destroy them, they drive to the location, as John Pope informed the team Sara was in danger. As they arrive, they find Sara dead, with Pope cradling her body. Back at Chinatown, Anthony shoots the Overlord they were holding hostage for answers, and Anne pieces Anthony's latest symptoms together, knowing now he has PTSD, and she should've taken his weapon away when he froze during the mission.
"Pope Breaks Bad"[]
Cochise, reveals to the Masons, Weaver and Anne that his "life span has concluded." The Volm has called his father to share a "silence," which is their custom. Anne Glass is horrified, as is Weaver. They find out that his version of a kidney, he has only one, is giving out and Anne explains about organ transplants in an effort to save Cochise.
Cochise meets with his father for their shared silence and he tells him of the transplant operation suggested by Glass. After an initial argument, the general agrees to the procedure and insists that Anne do it as the Volm do not have doctors. Anne performs the surgery and Cochise reacts well to the transplant, his father, Waschak-cha'ab is not so fortunate and the dies after donating one of his "kidneys" to his son. Before the "kidney" was transplanted, Cochise says he has adopted one of the humans custom, saying he loves them all, before shedding a tear.
Waschak cannot be revived and Anne offers to undergo the "silence" that Cochise never had with his father. He agrees and as the two undertake the ceremony, Anne sees Lexi. This takes place in complete silence and is an emotional experience for both Glass and Cochise. Once it ends, Cochise and Anne then talk of grief and he states that he feels relived of a burden he did not know he carried.
Later, Anthony approaches Anne and asks to speak privately with her. He leads her into a room where Pope is waiting. He has shaved off his long hair and it is clear he intends to kill her to punish Tom. Glass talks him out of it and she pushes her way past a disappointed Anthony to warn Mason that Pope has become dangerous.
"Non-Essential Personnel"[]
While travelling to DC, the 2nd Mass are attacked by a gunman using explosives. Weaver goes into talk and once inside he gets shot. Anne enters to make sure he is alright and Weaver tells her to play along, as the gunman has a wife and two kids he is trying to protect. The man tells them to hand over half their ammo, and Anne, reluctantly, orders half the ammo to be placed by the door. She tells the rest of the troops that they will double back later and get Weaver. Later, Weaver during a standoff, convinces the man, Marty to join the 2nd Mass. Anne after speaks with Weaver about what happened with the confrontation.
Maggie asks Anne to take out her spikes, that Ben gave her, and Anne says no. Anne tells her that later after the war is over they can talk about removing them, but now she needs her "super soldier" for DC. Cochise goes behind Anne's back and performs the surgery, however the final spike attempts to dig in further and starts cutting of Maggie's spinal cord. Cochise gets Anne who steps in to finish the procedure. Anne asks Cochise, "you want to explain to me what you thought you were doing,", and he replies, "Not particularly".
"Everybody Has Their Reasons"[]
Anne arrives at the naval base in Virginia with the 2nd Mass. Anne decides that she will go down to the infirmary as the base does not have many doctors. Down in the infirmary, she meets Sgt. Trevor Huston who has an infection after being stitched up from a gun wound. Trevor recalls on patrol while hunting collaborators, they found collaborators and exchanged fire, with a bullet hitting Trevor. Lt. Emmett recalls that the bullet went clean through, but Anne says they will have to open him back up. Anne tells Emmett to find maggots for the procedure, to eat away the dead flesh in the wound. As the 14th don't have any anesthesia, Anne offers Trevor liquor, but denies it as he has been sober for ten years. Trevor screams in pain as Anne removes the stitches and Anne successfully removes what was causing irritation in the wound, being a piece of fabric from when the bullet went hit him. Anne pours the cup of maggots into his wound to eat the dead tissue. Later, as the 2nd Mass are being detained, Lt. Shelton tries to lock her up without an explanation, and Trevor tries to defend her.
"Stalag 14th Virginia"[]
Anne comes back to Trevor Huston with test results saying his infection has cleared. Trevor saves Anne from being shot from the soldiers, as she tries to use a scalpel and threaten one after learning that her husband to going to be killed for being a collaborator. Trevor calms Anne down, and tells her to write a list of things the 2nd Mass has done throughout the war to show Marshall, and Trevor gets information from Anne that her daughter was half alien. When Trevor hears this, Trevor yells out "traitor", and is punched by Anne. Katie Marshall reveals that Trevor was leading the hunt for the human collaborators. Anne is thrown in a cell, and a soldier tells Lt. Shelton that she will be on the firing line.Anne on the firing line.
Following the joining of the 14th Virginia and the 2nd Mass, Cochise brings in the Shadow Plane device which they had disconnected. He is unsure of why it still works disconnected and when Ben Mason's spikes react to it, theorizes that it does so as both are Espheni technology. Anne watches as Ben connects with the device and is shocked when Ben mentions the Overlords doing a ritual to a higher being. When confronted by Tom about his reaction, Cochise tells him "I never thought it possible," showing a knowledge of the being.
Anne begins to tell Ben to stop entering the Shadow Plane, even though he is slowly getting answers, it is taking away his strength. When Ben goes to stick his arm in the Shadow Plane, Anne tries to stop him but is pushed away. Anne is present when Matt brings Alexis Glass-Mason, who was lat presumed dead into camp. Anne knows that it is just a Espheni decoy, and Weaver speaks with her about the situation. Later, Marty overhears Anne and Colonel Weaver discussing the Dornia weapon and the periodic table of elements and offers his help in figuring out the weapon. Weaver is skeptical as he'd worked in a brewery, but Marty reveals that he is also a biochemist. Marty and Anne run tests on the weapon and discover that it is deadly to all of their test rats and realize that it is so deadly, it could wipe out not just the Espheni but humanity too. Marty and Anne work on modifying the weapon to be non-lethal to humanity and he succeeds by mixing human enzymes into the weapon, having gotten the idea from the way he created beers at the brewery. Marty worries that the weapon is rendered totally non-lethal by their efforts, but Ben arrives to warn them that he connected to the Shadow Plane and his father was mentioned.
After John Pope and his group infiltrate the naval base disguised as an injured militia group, Anne overhears the gunfire and tries to help an injured 2nd Mass fighter. Trevor Huston aims his rifle at Anne, Anthony realizes what he is doing is wrong, and shields Anne, being shot in the shoulder by Trevor. Anne shoots and kills Trevor after. Anne helps Anthony into a safe area, and patches him up. Later, Marty and Anne's work is proven be successful when the weapon kills the Alexis clone without harming anyone else. As the 2nd Mass and 14th pack for DC, a large group of Black Hornet's begin to make their way to the naval base.
The 2nd Mass and 14th Virginia repel the Black Hornet attack on their base, but Marty is killed to Anne's great sadness. When another militia arrives the next morning, Anne explains their plan and the Dornia bioweapon to their leader. After learning that there's a powerful defensive wall surrounding Washington, DC, Tom decides to lead a team in through service tunnels while the other militias create a distraction. Making their way through the tunnels, they spot Espheni eggs and Anne is disturbed due to having Alexis in her life again if only briefly. She tells Tom that she's pregnant again, but soon after the eggs are disturbed and the Espheni young attack. Lieutenant Wolf blows the hatchlings up, but is killed in the blast while they are separated from Tom. Anne is mortally wounded by shrapnel, but hides the wound. Soon after exiting the tunnels, Anne collapses of her wounds and dies despite Weaver's best efforts to save her. She lives long enough to see the Espheni die. After Tom returns and finds her dead, he carries her to the shore where he last encountered the Dornia and beg them to save her. After no apparent response, Anne is pulled under the water by tentacles.
Months later, as humanity gathers at the Lincoln Memorial for a speech by Tom, Anne is shown to be alive and well, having been brought back by the Dornia. She is also visibly pregnant and supports Tom along with Hal, Ben, Matt and Colonel Weaver as he gives a speech on humanity's new beginning.Death[]
Anne Killed By[]
- Shrapnel from an explosion
When Lieutenant Demarcus Wolf used a grenade launcher to take out a nest of Espheni hatchlings, Anne was hit by shrapnel from the explosion and mortally wounded. Anne hid her injury, but eventually collapsed. Despite her family and Colonel Weaver's best efforts, Anne died of her wounds, but not before witnessing the end of the Espheni. After her death, her husband was able to convince the Dornia to bring her back.
Season 1 appearances | ||||
Live and Learn | The Armory | Prisoner of War | Grace | Silent Kill |
Sanctuary (Part 1) | Sanctuary (Part 2) | What Hides Beneath | Mutiny | Eight Hours |
Season 2 appearances | ||||
Worlds Apart | Shall We Gather at the River | Compass | Young Bloods | Love and Other Acts of Courage |
Homecoming | Molon Labe | Death March | The Price of Greatness | A More Perfect Union |
Season 3 appearances | ||||
On Thin Ice | Collateral Damage | Badlands | At All Costs | Search and Recover |
Be Silent and Come Out | The Pickett Line | Strange Brew | Journey to Xilbalba | Brazil |
Season 5 appearances | ||||
Find Your Warrior | Hunger Pains | Hatchlings | Pope Breaks Bad | Non-Essential Personnel |
Respite | Everybody Has Their Reasons | Stalag 14th Virginia | Reunion | Reborn |
- Professional Physician/Medic: Known for her role as the doctor of the 2nd Mass, Dr. Glass has provided many treatments to help aid or support medical care for her group's fighters and residents. She even has been able to recover her patients from all manner of them being infected with alien weapons and parasites (i.e. she was able to cut the back of a Skitters spin to find it had a harness in it realizing it was once human. She even managed to pull out a probe from Tom’s eye without damaging it and heal Dan Weaver from the bit of the harness returning them to good health). Anne’s medical abilities have improved after being given alien technology to help cure harnessed hosts from even the spikes that remain in their backs and has used this to help Maggie survive her injuries of paralysis by taking 3 of Ben’s spikes out his back to places on hers completely healing and enhancing her body.
- Marksmanship: At first glance, Ann wasn’t fond of using guns until she was taken advantage of and realized she didn’t want to be vulnerable anymore. So she learned proficiency with a pistol from Maggie which for a while paid off later on during season 4 when she managed to wield even machine guns and assault rifles on the battlefield.
- Knife Proficiency: Her medical training has even allowed her to use sharpened tools of knives as a melee weapon, such as stabbing a Skitter directly in the mouth killing it in the cell, and even savagely slitting one’s throat with a combat blade during season 4 in Cold Blood.
- Determination: Ann Glass has demonstrated great determination in dedicating herself to saving the lives of family, friends, and comrades during the war. As she always does everything to see the best of people to find hope in continuing to move forward not to mention being stubborn even in the darkest moments of despair. When finding out that her daughter Alexis is half Espheni she is worried that others would treat her as a threat which she tries to protect by keeping her out of harm's way until she and Lexi reunite with the others the hybrid grows bigger and get separated from her. In the following months, Glass kept her group moving from place to place on foot to find her with a rebellious fighting spirit until she did. Her stubbornness has become more powerful that when her daughter is in danger because of her other father being an Espheni overlord she brutally attacks him for answers to save her which successfully works until later Lexi is encased in a cocoon where her mother attempts to recover memory therapy done to her to find a way to get her out of it safely. This causes Ann to overdose on a drug to reach the deepest point of her memory and figure out what she needs to release her daughter which saves her. Even after thinking Tom is dead, she reminds the 2nd Mass that it was up to them to keep the fight going to end the war as it was what her husband wanted inspiring everyone on her side to do so showing good leadership.
- "Don’t think this is over, I will be back and next time I won’t be so gentle!" - Mind Wars
- "I had no idea you were such a natural, time for a personal stylist." - Hatchlings
- According to the commentary in The Armory, Anne was originally meant to be an art dealer, but the crew realized she wouldn't have any real contributions to the resistance, so they changed her occupation to a physician.
Anne is a pediatrician who lost her only child in the initial attack, a tragedy she has yet to face fully. She pours herself into her work as a doctor for the 2nd Mass, doing what she can to help the survivors cope both physically and emotionally with their situation.. But beneath her sturdy exterior, Anne continues to be haunted by the death of her son in ways few can understand. Anne develops a close friendship with Tom as a result of their shared tragedy. She also takes Lourdes, a young first-year med student, under her wing to help out in the makeshift clinic. Together, they discover new things about the anatomy of the enemy: how to kill them, how to remove children from their harnesses, and most shockingly – that the Skitters themselves were once victims of harness control.